Biological Resource Management
Natural resource inventories and surveys including species diversity inventory, analysis of temporal and spatial species distribution, analysis of the physical and biological parameters that affect species occurrence and their distribution and bioassay and bioaccumulation testing and data interpretation and modeling
Preparation of Biological Evaluations and Assessments to analyze potential impacts from agency actions including assessments of population status and factors affecting population status, species habitat assessments and potential impacts to the habitat, species life history assessments to determine parameters that affect the species' life stages and vital rates or other unique biological characteristics of the species
Migratory Bird Treaty Act and other special status species surveys, clearances and biological monitoring for construction projects or training activities to fulfill regulatory documentation requirements and minimization or avoidance measures, exclusion and capture/release programs to fulfill regulatory requirements and compliance with conservation measures and avoidance measures
Endangered species management including assistance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and habitat management and restoration activities
Pest and invasive species management to include resource surveys and mapping, development of resource management strategies and plans, and the chemical, physical and biological control efforts
Representative Project Experience:
Special Status Species Surveys at U.S. Army Reserve 81st Readiness Division Facilities, Florida and Puerto Rico
Invasive Plant Species Inventory, Fort Polk, Louisiana
Biological Assessment and Meeting Support for Former Marine Corps Firing Range, Former Mare Island Naval Shipyard, California
Vegetation Community Mapping, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California
Northern Goshawk and Great Grey Owl Surveys Aboard Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California
Desert Tortoise Translocation, Monitoring, Husbandry, Parentage Assessment, and Fence Installation, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California