Environmental Resource Planning and Regulatory Compliance
NEPA analysis and documentation (e.g., Categorical Exclusion, REC, EA, EIS) for a variety of programs including military training, force structure, master planning, real estate, renewable energy initiatives, water resources, airspace actions, and environmental planning
Installation Management Plans including INRMPs, ESMPs, ICRMPs, ISMPs, IPMPs, SWPPPs, SWMPs, ISCPs, SPCCPs, FRPs, HMMPs/HWMPs, and IWFMPs
Environmental planning documentation to support real property acquisitions, disposals, permits, leases, and transfers, including EBS/ECP reports, Environmental Site Assessments, FOSTs, MOAs, deed restrictions and covenants, and Section C of Disposal Reports
Wetlands management under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, including delineations, jurisdictional determination support, permitting, management plans, and mitigation planning
Development of agency-specific planning documents to include the assessment of mitigation requirements, plans for compensatory mitigation projects, and monitoring for effectiveness of completed mitigation projects
Encroachment planning and community partnership facilitation for military installations and their neighboring communities
Public and agency involvement including public meeting planning and agency coordination and consultation support

Representative Project Experience:
Moody Air Force Base Comprehensive Airspace Initiative Environmental Impact Statement, Georgia
Naval Base San Diego Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Update, California
Environmental Assessments and Biological Assessments for Proposed Maintenance Dredging at Elochoman Slough and Tongue Point Federal Navigation Channels, Washington and Oregon
Jean Lafitte National Historic Park and Preserve Swamp Mitigation Project, Louisiana
Environmental Assessment for Sochan Gathering for Traditional Purposes, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina
Environmental Assessment for the Air Force Change in Operations in Instrument Route (IR)-057 and IR-059, Hurlburt Field, Florida