Information Systems and Management
Geographic Information System/Computer Aided Design and Drafting/cartography, mapping and data analysis/interpretation for a variety of data layers, including but not limited to, soils, topography, cultural resources, vegetative communities, location of threatened and endangered species, aquatic habitat types and floodplain delineation, etc.
Design, develop, host and implement custom global positioning system data collection solutions on a variety of hardware and software platforms
Digital image processing and remote sensing of both aerial and space-based platforms including but not limited to image classification, band ratios, index calculations and re-sampling
Compliance to various DoD approved standards including: Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) and Installation Geospatial Information & Services (IGI&S) Quality Assurance Plans (QAPs)
Scripting common GIS geoprocessing workflows tailored to DoD standards and automating QA/QC procedures such as QAP/SDSFIE evaluations
Custom development and hosting of web based GIS, database and asset management solutions for a variety of thematic services including environmental, master planning and compliance
GIS instruction and user-guide development related to custom or general GIS workflows including but not limited to: QAP compliance/evaluation, querying, symbolizing and spatial analysis
Representative Project Experience:
Geographical Information Systems Services Support for the U.S. Army Reserve, 88th Readiness Division, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Geographic Information Systems Support
Geographic Information Systems Services Support, U.S. Army Reserve, 63d Readiness Division, California
Geographic Information Systems Support for Rare Plant Surveys, U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California
Geographic Information Systems Support for Coastal California Gnatcatcher Home Range Assessment, U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California